Income coin | Multi chain Coin
$INCOME is currently available in ETH, BNB, MATIC. ARB (ARETH) launch to follow
Only 1 million coins per chain in total supply for ETH, BNB and ARB and 3 million for Matic
Burning of coins on EVERY transaction 4 chains: #ETH, #BNB, #MATIC, #ARB
Low starting market cap per chain.
PLEASE NOTE: Income coin is not a V2 of the OG Income Token, which is also in circulation and used for staking rewards for our VRE (Virtual Real Estate)
- 1% actual burn making the token deflationary ( not sent to dead wallet, actually burned from total token supply )
- 2% BNB, ETH, MATIC, ARB reflections on buys and sells every 24 hours (volume dependent)
- 2% BNB, ETH, MATIC, ARB reflections on buys and sells every 24 hours (volume dependent)
- 2% liquidity to stabalise the floor
- 5 % development and marketing
Multi chain contract